Great news for birders and birdwatchers as the Asian Bird Fair 2023 Kota Kinabalu Sabah is scheduled to take place in October in the capital city of North Borneo.
This is the third time the Asian Bird Fair has been hosted in Malaysia; it was first held in Langkawi in 2015, then in Kuching in 2019, and now in Kota Kinabalu Sabah in 2023.
Asian Bird Fair 2023 Kota Kinabalu Sabah
The exciting news was announced during the turnover dinner of the 11th Asian Bird Fair in Suncheon, Korea, which was held on the evening of 21st November 2022.

Announcing the news was done by Asian Bird Fair Executive Committee members Andrew Sebastian, Victor Yu and Michael Lu, together with Ms Tay Shu Lan, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Marketing of Sabah Tourism Board and Roger Rajah from the Sabah Birdwatchers Association.
The news of Sabah being the host of the 12th Asian Bird Fair from 13-17 October 2023 comes at perfect timing as the world heals from the Covid19 pandemic, which crippled the tourism industry, that included bird tourism.

ABF2023 will strengthen avitourism in Sabah and promote Sabah internationally for birdwatching to potential markets worldwide. The birding event will also see local and international birding tour companies, birding equipment brands and NGOs participating in this massive fair.
This event also allows Malaysian and Southeast Asian birders to participate and assemble in a large-scale birding fair and event, plus take advantage of visiting Sabah to do birding and bird photography.
The Asian Bird Fair 2023 will also see several speakers discussing bird-related topics, an exhibition area for local and international vendors, and pre and post-tour opportunities around Sabah. More information will be provided here when the ABF team announces it.
The ABF2023 Program was announced and updated on their website, and we have also published it on Birdwatching Asia.

The Asian Bird Fair will be held at the Sabah International Convention Centre (SICC) at Tanjung Lipat, Jalan Tun Fuad Stephens, in Kota Kinabalu.
Asian Bird Fair 2023 Sabah
- Date: 13-17 October 2023
- Venue: SICC, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah
- Website: Asian Bird Fair
More information will be added as Birdwatching Asia will work closely with the organisers and tourism board to provide additional details about dates, programs and other itineraries.

This is excellent news as the Asian Bird Fair 2023 Kota Kinabalu Sabah is happening right here on the island of Borneo and perfectly timed for the recovery of bird tourism in this part of the world.
After attending the Asian Bird Fair 2019 in Kuching Sarawak, Birdwatching Asia cannot wait to share more information as I get it and hope to see birders, bird watchers and photographers from the region attending this unique bird fair.