Hello, everyone and readers of Bird Watching Asia. It has been months since I last posted anything here, and if you check, my last article was dated April 2020.
The reason for this is that I was diagnosed with NPC or Nasopharyngeal Cancer in May and underwent my treatments from August till October 2020. There you go, so now you know why there has not been any updates here.
Now that I am on the road to recovery, I am back and will be putting some focus on Bird Watching Asia and my main site Malaysia Asia.

Reason for No Updates on Bird Watching Asia
So, now that I am back in action, I will dedicate some of my time to update this birding site, the Facebook page, Twitter account, and my new YouTube account for bird watching in Malaysia.
Yes, I have taken the time to create all of these social media birding accounts, but let me say that it is only me updating all of these as an individual and not a company with staff; therefore, do not expect constant updates.
For 2020, it has been really tough for everyone, and to share with all of you, 2021 will not be spared as well. It does not mean that for 2020 we suffered a pandemic, and automatically in 2021, things get better overnight.
2021 will also be a crucial year for the tourism and bird watching industry as nations and countries will try to open up for tourism. But it also depends on the vaccine, and will it be suitable? If Malaysia does get in a good Covid vaccine, the front liners will be the first ones to receive it.
As the general rakyat, we will only see our vaccines at a much later time, perhaps in the third or fourth quarter of 2021, if there is a working Covid19 vaccine for Malaysia.

Bird Watching in Malaysia for 2021
Therefore, for 2021, I will be writing a little more about birding destinations closer to our reach versus those far away places. I personally think we should start to discover and develop bird watching in our own neighbourhood and area.
Well, we can try, and for starters, I will be featuring bird watching areas around Petaling Jaya or PJ for those who live in the Klang Valley. From there, I will start to explore a little further into Kuala Lumpur, Putrajaya and finally, overall, around Selangor.
For Bird Watching Asia, I plan to improve the site into a one-stop portal for bird watching in Malaysia. This also includes Sabah and Sarawak in East Malaysia.
Among some of the plans are to work with suppliers of birding products, bird tour companies, and destinations managed by the respective councils or even the state tourism boards.
Hopefully, by mid next year, Bird Watching Asia will be one of the top websites for bird watching in Malaysia, filled with rich content and information created for birders.

If you are new to this site and have some comments or opinions, please share them in the comment section below. Or you can also contact me directly through email or by phone.
Overall, my mission for Bird Watching Asia is to create the best bird watching portal and website in Malaysia, independently managed. Again, I am doing this on my own; therefore, it will take some time to give it till next year.
For those of you who have been following this site since the beginning, thank you very much, and I hope you now know why the reason no updates on Bird Watching Asia in 2020.