Birding in Melaka at Pulau Gadong

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Birdwatching at Pulau Gadong

During a trip in early 2022, I managed to do some birding in Melaka at Pulau Gadong, which was once known to be home to many paddyfields. However, a lot has changed since the last twenty years, when development has overtaken the former ricefields that once were the primary industry in this area.

Before you continue, this place is not an island as it sounds like one, but Pulau Gadong is a local area just outside of Melaka’s main city area.

Birdwatching in Melaka at Pulau Gadong

I did not do a full-day birding here but just drove here to explore and check out the area to update my Melaka birdwatching locations article.

Speaking to my father-in-law from Melaka, he told me that Pulau Gadong was once a massive space occupied by paddyfields. And since the 90s, a lot has started to change.

Melaka Birding
A Great Egret at one of the paddyfields here.

More locals started to sell off the land or were too old to operate the paddyfields. Their children had jobs in the city, and no one could manage them; hence they were either sold or converted into housing.

However, some plots of paddyfields are found around Pulau Gadong, and they seem to be getting less and less yearly.

On my inaugural birding trip to Pulau Gadong, I managed to spot several birds within one hour, which was quite impressive. However, there were no unique or star birds seen.

Pulau Gadong Melaka Bird List

Within one hour, I manage to spot the birds below;

  1. Great Egret
  2. Little Egret
  3. Wood Sandpiper
  4. Black-naped Oriole
  5. Paddyfield Pipit
  6. Spotted Dove
  7. Eurasian Tree Sparrow
  8. Olive-backed Sunbird
  9. Common Tailorbird
  10. Javan Myna
  11. Common Myna
  12. White-throated Kingfisher


Melaka Wood Sandpiper
Wood Sandpipers are commonly sighted at paddyfields around Melaka.
Melaka Tailorbird
A common Tailorbird is spotted on a tree branch near the paddy fields.
Malaysia Spotted Dove
The Spotted Dove is commonly seen around commercial areas and paddy fields.
Melaka Paddyfield Pipit
A couple of Paddyfield Pipits were spotted.
Melaka Little Egret Bird
A Little Egret hunting in the paddy rice fields here.
Melaka Great Egret Bird
A Great Egret wades through the paddyfields of Pulau Gadong.
Malaysia Black-naped Oriole
A Black-naped Oriole on a tree branch.


Pulau Gadon is located about a 20 to 30-minute drive from the Melaka city area and during the non-peak hours. You can take ride-hailing services to get here, but I would still recommend renting a car and self-drive here to do birding.

If you have the time to spare, only you should consider birding at Pulau Gadong. Otherwise, I would recommend bird watching at Batang Tiga paddyfields instead as it is a much bigger area.

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